Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hello there!

Hello there!

Welcome to my channel, along with my first blog post! I have a passion for fashion, a love for beauty and quite an outlook on life. I am starting this blog to give myself a sense of freedom and creative integrity. And for whoever is reading this, I would love to act as both an inspiration and someone you can look to as a source of entertainment. 

Something I find is always missing from people's first blog post is why they are here doing what they're doing. That is what I am going to tell you next. I've decided to create my own blog because I feel that everyone has an opinion and view on life. However, there are not enough people in the world that share it. I would like to give you my opinions and observations on what I think is interesting, pretty, funny, ugly, and just plain upsetting. Also, I'd like to be able to inspire people just like yourself to know that it's okay. It's okay to express yourself. It's okay to cry. It's okay to disagree. It's okay to hurt. It's okay to feel alone. It's okay to laugh for no reason. It's okay. Trust me.

Although I am quite young, I can openly admit that there was a time in my life (not long ago) where I was not okay. And to be honest, I am still healing from that rough time in my life. Something that not enough people understand is that no one is perfect, no one has it altogether. I'll be the first to admit, I don't. 

Anyways, this is my first upload and it's not meant to be depressing. What I am trying to get at is that this will be my new outlet. I would like people to be able to understand and relate to what I am going through. After all the bitching, fighting and screaming, we're all human. And one day you're going to sit back and laugh at that. Because as messed up and sadly true as it may sound, we're all the same. 


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